Poročna fotografija, poročni fotograf, Uroš Čuden a wedding and portrait photographer from Slovenia. I’m a wedding and portrait photographer from Slovenia. I’m dedicated to my family – I share my joy and my life with them. Photographing for me is not just a business obligation, but the mix of responsibilities to the challenge, fun, pleasure, passion and love. My style is simple. I ensure that everyone has fun and take care to shine each unique personality of your family. My customer said: You hold a Wedding book in your hands when you want to revive the unforgettable moments in your life, remember the days when you were a major “player” in front of the amazing photographer. Bled Slovenija | Slovenian wedding photographer | Slovenian fine art Wedding photography | Ljubljana, Bled, Piran
Contact: Medit d.o.o., Uroš Čuden, Phone: +386 40 22 66 21 | Email: uros.cuden@siol.net | www.uroscuden.com
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